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How to recognize the biodegradable and compostable products?
Source: | Author:Watson | Published time: 2021-12-07 | 889 Views | Share:
Compostable materials have been proven to be completely decomposed into non-toxic components (water, carbon dioxide and other biomass) that will not harm the environment. Will not become the kind of plastic floating in the ocean. Some materials can be composted at home.

Although biodegradable materials will eventually be degraded through natural processes. However, the degradation time is not specifically limited. Some decomposition may take 12 months to 700 years.

Compostable materials have been proven to be completely decomposed into non-toxic components (water, carbon dioxide and other biomass) that will not harm the environment. Will not become the kind of plastic floating in the ocean. Some materials can be composted at home. Compost has many useful uses, including fertilizing and improving soil health, and it does not leave toxic residues because it is already organic.